Month: February 2025
If Pokemon were real, fire types would be illegal to own in California.
If we’re above the ground when we’re born ,and below the ground after death,then by the intermediate value theorem at one point we were exactly at the ground’s level.
We like to complain about others’ headlights being too bright, often not knowing just how bright our own headlights are.
We should make Congress and all public officials work for minimum wage to show us how to live on it.
Most superheroes would probably develop CTE from all the hits to the head they would get over the years.
Getting a 3 out of 5 stars is a lot better than a 6 out of 10.
You can moisturize your hands twice as fast as your feet.
If commercialized space travel will ever exist we will probably be able to buy water from Europa as a luxury product the same way as we are able to buy iceberg water nowadays.
Death by trash compactor is probably a leading cause of death among raccoons.