Sisyphus would theoretically erode the tip of the mountain until it is flat enough to place the boulder on.
When watching a movie sitting between the laptop and the Wi-Fi router, the movie literally goes through me just to get converted into a format that can enter into me again through my eyes & ears.
Minigolf has more in common with pool than with golf.
Latin survived the Roman Empire and was an international language for another 1000+ years. English will likely be with us for at least that long, too.
Insanity would ensue if a genie were telepathic and granted the first three wishes you think about.
Netflix could include ratings from Rotten Tomatoes to save us all a web search.
Stainless steel is a desirable material that elevates products to be more premium. Except toilets.
AI-powered algorithms curate everything we see on social media, so in a way, AI already has a subtle grip on how we think.
If justice is truly blind in America, a jury shouldn’t be allowed to view the defendant during their case.