Home WowThoughts When filling up on gas, men are probably more likely to shake the gas nozzle before putting it back than women are. 3 years ago 3 years ago WowThoughts When filling up on gas, men are probably more likely to shake the gas nozzle before putting it back than women are. by showerthoughts 2.4kviews 402 when filling up on gas men are probably more likely to shake the gas nozzle before putting it back than women are. When filling up on gas, men are probably more likely to shake the gas nozzle before putting it back than women are. Post PaginationPrevious PostPreviousNext PostNext Shower Thoughts, Wow Thoughts, WowThoughtsLike it? Share with your friends! 402 Previous Post Napoleon dynamite was a long ass infomercial for MTV. by showerthoughts Next Post You’ve probably set your personal record for going without blinking... by showerthoughts