Home Animals Somewhere in the world there is one penguin who is the most gnarly, hardcore, badass penguin living by penguin standards and to us it just looks like another chubby little bird. 3 years ago 3 years ago Animals, WowThoughtsPopular Somewhere in the world there is one penguin who is the most gnarly, hardcore, badass penguin living by penguin standards and to us it just looks like another chubby little bird. by showerthoughts 3.3kviews 464 somewhere in the world there is one penguin who is the most gnarly hardcore badass penguin living by penguin standards and to us it just looks like another chubby little bird. [zombify_post] Post PaginationPrevious PostPreviousNext PostNext Penguin, Shower ThoughtsLike it? Share with your friends! 464 Previous Post Inventing or discovering fire, metals, the wheel, figuring out which... by showerthoughts Next Post When you've been sad for too long that you actually... by WowThoughts