Home Reddit If you wear two socks on one foot and none on the other, you would technically be wearing a pair of socks 2 years ago 2 years ago Reddit, WowThoughts If you wear two socks on one foot and none on the other, you would technically be wearing a pair of socks by showerthoughts 3.1kviews 392 if you wear two socks on one foot and none on the other you would technically be wearing a pair of socks If you wear two socks on one foot and none on the other, you would technically be wearing a pair of socks Post PaginationPrevious PostPreviousNext PostNext Like it? Share with your friends! 392 Previous Post From a Wookiee’s perspective Chewbacca is the handsome rogue and... by showerthoughts Next Post you may have accidentally saved your life with a very... by showerthoughts